Osteo X Jogger

Welcome to Osteo X

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Osteo X unites therapists with excellent specialist knowledge and many years of experience in osteopathy and other therapeutic methods.

This enables us to provide you and your loved ones with the best possible care and competently treat both adults and children, including newborns. In addition, we cover special needs in special life situations such as pregnancy, illness or the consequences of an accident and also provide professional support to professional groups that are particularly under pressure, such as athletes and musicians.

Personal support and the individual framework are extremely important to us. Since your concerns are usually urgent, we expanded our team in February 2022.

We look forward to you!

Your Osteo X team




  • Osteo X Jogger

    Complaints & Prevention

  • Osteo X Skifahrer


  • Osteo X Schwanger Bauch


  • Osteo X Baby 01

    Newborns & Children

Our osteopathy offer

Osteopathy differs from other manual therapies in its wide range of treatment techniques: from very gentle, such as craniosacral, to manipulative techniques. Die gesamte Behandlung wird auf das Alter und die individuellen Bedürfnisse des Patienten abgestimmt.

Sports osteopaths are used where there is an increased one-sided load on the athlete in competitive, amateur and hobby sports. The aim of sports osteopathy is to exclude possible sources of danger or weak points in the body at an early stage and possibly before the injury.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes and postural adjustments demand maximum performance from a body. Osteopathic treatment increases the overall freedom of movement and the body can adapt optimally to the new circumstances.

Physical tensions caused by vacuum, forcep or caesarean section during birth, or caused by falls during growth, can get in the way of optimal child development.

Was ist Osteopathie?

Osteopathie ist eine manuelle Therapieform, bei der der Mensch als eine Gesamtheit aus Körper, Geist und Seele erfasst und behandelt wird.

Bei der Therapie geht es primär darum, die Beweglichkeit, Elastizität und Funktionen der verschiedenen Körperstrukturen mit- und gegeneinander wiederherzustellen.

Biomechanische und myofasziale Konflikte werden durch entsprechende manuelle Techniken behandelt, die individuellen Selbstheilungskräfte des Körpers werden aktiviert und das funktionelle Gleichgewicht des Individuums wird normalisiert.

Our locations are Zollikon and Zurich (Brunaupark)

Appointments at Brunaupark

Giesshübelstrasse 69, 8045 Zürich


Appointments in Zollikon

Seestrasse 23, 8702 Zollikon

We are located next to "firth furniture".

Contat and Appointments

You can conveniently book your appointments online. Between treatments, there are always time slots to make appointments and/or discuss your concerns by phone.


Tariffs and coverage of costs

Osteopathy is a recognised treatment method and is partly covered by most supplementary insurance schemes for complementary medicine.